NoteRush App


We often use this app in the O’Connor Music Studio.  There is a new update coming very soon that looks like it will be even better.

Note Rush boosts your note reading speed and accuracy, building a strong mental model of where each written note is on your instrument.

Note Rush 2nd Edition: What’s New?

  1. Refreshed user interface: Note Rush 2nd Edition boasts a modern, colorful new interface that is visually appealing and user-friendly.
  2. Extended instrument support offering an expanded library of built-in levels designed for various instruments, including piano, guitar, violin, flute, and more.
  3. Enhanced level designer system with support for Treble and Bass clefs as well as Grand Staff (Tenor and Alto coming soon) and up to 6 ledger lines!
  4. Save custom levels within the app for easy access: No more hunting through the camera roll!
  5. Unique landmarks-based hints system! Landmark notes are a great way to get a firm grasp of the staff, and now Note Rush brings this approach into the learning experience. Learn more
  6. New themes including Fruit Smash and Cute Bird, and a new scrolling theme selector, making it quicker to select a theme and get playing.
  7. New Audio Recognition Engine to make gameplay faster and more reliable.

How it Works

Note Rush is like a virtual flash card deck for all ages that listens to you play each note, giving instant feedback and awarding stars based on speed and accuracy.

Race against the clock to improve your performance or hide the timer to gently engage those just starting out with the staff.

Includes built-in levels for piano and a range of other instruments as well as custom level design.


If you want to use it at home, the current cost is only $4.99 (not a subscription, one-time only) but it will be going up soon to 8.99.

More info at


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